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1Empirical evidence shows that the Single Market Programme had a pro-competitive effect and reduced the price-cost margin of European firms.

2The ‘pro-competitive effect’ induced by trade liberalization can lead to an increase in the number of mergers and acquisitions.

3The demand curve is the main constraint a monopolist faces in pricing.

4Under the Cournot-Nash equilibrium concept, each firm expects that the other will keep its output constant; the equilibrium is where each firm's expectations of what the others will sell correspond to what the firms actually do sell.

5The residual demand curve is:
A)the demand faced by the residual firm.
B)the horizontal sum of the demands faced by all other firms.
C)the demand faced by a firm assuming all other firms keep their output constant.
D)the demand for leftover goods.

6Under Cournot-Nash oligopoly, the price- cost margin falls as the number of firms rises since:
A)it is hard to maintain collusion when there are many firms.
B)the pressure to lower quality increases and this cuts margins.
C)foreign suppliers typically undercut domestic producers’ prices.
D)each firm faces a residual demand curve that shifts as the number of competitors rises.

7The BE ('break even') curve is downward sloping because:
A)profit margins and sales vary inversely with each other.
B)This is false; the BE curve is upward sloping.
C)the higher the mark-up the less a firm is able to sell.
D)collusion is more difficult with many firms.

8The COMP curve is downward sloping because:
A)the Nash equilibrium mark-up falls as the number of competitors rises.
B)This is false, the COMP curve is upward sloping.
C)more competition lowers the per-firm level of sales.
D)domestic tariff revenue rises with the level of imports.
Consider a situation in which Home is initially completely closed to trade and then opens up completely with another nation that is identical to it. Assume firms face scale economies and imperfect competition and that the equilibrium is described by the figure below. Use the diagram to answer the questions; in particular refer to the areas and points in the diagram. <a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::Home Market::/sites/dl/free/0077169654/677596/Chap6.JPG','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif">Home Market (61.0K)</a>Home Market

9After the no-trade-to-free-trade liberalization and after industrial restructuring takes place, the new long-run domestic price is

10After the no-trade-to-free-trade liberalization the new, long-run number of firms in both nations is .

11After industrial restructuring takes place, the long-run gain in domestic welfare is given by the areas .

12The new long-run average cost per firm is and the new output-per-firm level is .

13In the new long-run equilibrium there are fewer firms than before, but each produces more than it did before; we know the total output has risen because the price is , so consumption must be .

14Although the economy would never be at point 1, we know that this is one point on the post-liberalization BE curve since, although there twice as many firms at point 1, the level of sales per firm the is because there are now markets instead of one.

15When firms are breaking even, we know that price must equal cost.

16Firms can still break even despite the drop in price since average costs and sales per firm .

17The loss in producer surplus is .

18If the liberalization took place, but no firms exited initially, the price would fall to .

19The average cost curve is downward sloped with scale economies because:
A)the higher per-firm output allows the fixed costs to be spread over more units.
B)markups falls as firm-level output rises.
C)of changes in the demand for goods when prices rise.
D)firms are profit maximizers.

20Under imperfect competition, the passage from no-trade situation to free-trade integration does not induce
A)a fall in market prices.
B)a fall in price-cost margin.
C)a fall in firms’ average cost.
D)a fall in consumer surplus

21Under imperfect competition, the passage from no-trade situation to free-trade integration induces
A)an increase in firms’ average cost.
B)a fall in market prices.
C)a decrease in domestic consumption.
D)lower sales per firm.

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