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Chapter Exam
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Prior to the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species most people believed that species were created and unchanging over time
Darwin was one of many scientists who proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution.
The writings of Charles Lyell had a great influence on Darwin because Lyell
A)wrote about natural selection as the mechanism of evolution in great detail.
B)believed species changed when God brought forth a great disaster and created new forms of life on the renewed Earth.
C)describes a world where species were constantly becoming extinct while new species evolved.
D)described several species of finches in which different types of beaks allowed them to occupy different niches.
E)felt that humans had no influence on the evolution of other species.
Which of the following helped convince Darwin in the evolution of species?
A)the fossil record
B)patterns of life he observed on the voyage of the Beagle
C)biblical writings
D)all of the above helped to convince Darwin in the evolution of species.
E)only a and b helped to convince Darwin in the evolution of species.
What was especially profound about the different beak types Darwin observed in his "finches" was that
A)they allowed each bird to successfully inhabit several niches on the island.
B)each beak type was seen on only one island.
C)the beak type changed over the life time of each bird.
D)this incredible diversity occurred in a closely related group of birds.
E)no other life form Darwin found on his journey showed such striking resemblance to mainland organisms.
The beak shape of Darwin's finches was influenced by the:
A)number of offspring produced in a given year.
B)carrying capacity of the environment.
C)response to the nature of the food supply.
D)effects of artificial selection by the island's inhabitants.
E)predators preying on a particular species of bird.
Clusters of species evolved relatively recently from a common ancestor are an example of
A)adaptive radiation.
B)diverse radiation.
C)ecological selection.
D)artificial selection.
E)niche selection.
Darwin developed his theories on evolution by natural selection after observing
A)the feeding adaptations of the Galapagos finches.
B)fossils of extinct and living armadillos in South America.
C)similarities and differences in the Galapagos finches and South American finches.
D)differences in the reproductive success in a variety of organisms.
E)all of the above
A)has occurred only in the past 150 million years.
B)involves a progression of changes that took place over long periods of time.
C)occurs more often in plant species than in animals.
D)is no longer possible.
E)always results in species adapted for the current environment.
Darwin found that plant and animal species living on oceanic islands were most similar to species found
A)at the same latitude anywhere else in the world.
B)at the same elevation anywhere else in the world.
C)anywhere in the world having a similar climate.
D)on the nearest mainland.
E)on neighboring islands.
Charles Darwin served as a naturalist on a five-year navigational mapping expedition around the world. During this trip his primary observations were of
A)a wide variety of plants and animals on the coasts and coastal islands of South America.
B)the wildlife on the Great Plains of the United States.
C)the coastal wildlife of China and India.
D)the marine life of the Bering Straits off the coast of Alaska.
Peter and Rosemary Grant and generations of their students have studied the medium ground finch on a tiny island in the center of the Galapagos Islands called Daphne Major. They discovered that birds with stout beaks have an advantage during
A)wet weather when small seeds are plentiful.
B)dry weather when only large seeds are available.
C)wet weather when only large seeds are available.
D)dry weather when seeds are plentiful.
The flippers of penguins and dolphins are _______________.
A)homologous structures.
B)analogous structures.
C)evidence of the molecular clock.
D)evidence that both are closely related on the molecular family tree.
The forelimbs of mammals are an example of _______________.
A)vestigial organs.
B)analogous structures.
C)homologous structures.
D)all of the above
Which one of the following would cause the Hardy-Weinberg principle to be inaccurate?
A)The size of the population is very large.
B)Individuals mate with one another at random.
C)Natural selection is present.
D)There is no source of new copies of alleles from outside the population.
Which type of selection acts to eliminate both extremes of phenotypes?
Which one of the following populations would most quickly lead to two groups with few shared traits?
A)a population with disruptive selection
B)a population with directional selection
C)a population with stabilizing selection
D)a population with no selection
Even though sickle-cell anemia is usually fatal to homozygous individuals, the disease persists because __________________.
A)gene therapy has alleviated the condition.
B)the disease is carried on a dominant allele.
C)individuals with one allele for sickle-cell anemia are resistant to malaria.
D)a combination of all of the above
An example of adaptive radiation is the _________________.
A)peppered moth.
C)domestic dogs.
D)Darwin's finches.
Prezygotic isolating mechanisms include all of the following except ___________.
A)hybrid sterility
B)courtship rituals
C)physical separation
D)seasonal reproduction
German shepherds and poodles are able to mate and produce viable fertile offspring (strange looking though they might be!) so they must be _______________.
A)members of two closely related but similar species.
B)members of different species.
C)genetically compatible members of the same subspecies.
D)members of the same species.
E)members of the same ecological race.
The males of two species of birds use different mating dances to attract their mates. This is an example of _____________ isolation.
D)hybrid incompatibility
E)hybrid breakdown
One species of snake lives exclusively in the water while another species of snake inhabits trees. This is an example of __________ isolation.
D)hybrid incompatibility
E)hybrid breakdown
_________________ is random changes of allele frequencies in a population due to chance occurrences and not due to fitness.
C)Genetic drift
D)Non-random mating
Evolutionary change that results from parallel evolutionary adaptations to similar environments is called convergent evolution.

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