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End of Chapter Quiz
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In the gills of aquatic animals, countercurrent flow allows
A)the animal's blood to be continually exposed to water of lower oxygen concentration.
B)the animal's blood to be continually exposed to water of equal oxygen concentration.
C)the animal's blood to be continually exposed to water of higher oxygen concentration.
D)the animal to be endothermic.
The purpose of gill filaments and the lung alveoli is to
A)decrease the surface area available for gas exchange.
B)increase the surface area available for gas exchange.
C)decrease the volume available for gas exchange.
D)increase the volume available for gas exchange.
In general, the need for alveoli increases as
A)the energy need for different vertebrate classes increases.
B)the energy need for different vertebrate classes decreases.
C)the habitat need for different vertebrate classes increases.
D)the nutrition need for different vertebrate classes increases.
Which group of animals is the most efficient at extracting oxygen?
Which of the following statements about the bird's respiratory system is false?
A)Birds breathe using a crosscurrent flow of air and blood.
B)Birds have air sacs in addition to a lung.
C)It takes three cycles of breathing for air to pass through the bird's respiratory system.
D)The bird's respiratory system has two locations where air is held during inhalation.
When you take a deep breath, your stomach moves out because
A)swallowing air increases the volume of the thoracic cavity.
B)your stomach shouldn't move out when you take a deep breath because you want the volume of your chest cavity to increase, not your abdominal cavity.
C)contracting your abdominal muscles pushes your stomach out, generating negative pressure in your lungs.
D)when your diaphragm contracts, it moves down, pressing your abdominal cavity out.
Oxygen is transported by
A)hemoglobin in red blood cells.
B)dissolving it in the blood plasma.
C)blood proteins in the blood plasma.
D)platelets in the blood plasma.
Most of the carbon dioxide is transported by
A)hemoglobin in red blood cells.
B)the blood plasma as bicarbonate.
C)proteins in the blood plasma.
D)dissolving it in red blood cells.
Which of the following is not carried by hemoglobin?
B)hydrogen ions
D)super nitric oxide
Which of the following can lead to cancer?
C)mutations of Rb and p53
D)All of the above.

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