1 |  |  All of the following contributed to the concept of European unity EXCEPT |
|  | A) | Germany's success during World War II in integrating the areas under its rule in a unified empire. |
|  | B) | Allied propaganda emphasizing the shared values of Western civilization during World War II. |
|  | C) | the success of transnational programs in fostering the postwar economic recovery. |
|  | D) | Cold War military alliances. |
|  | E) | fears of a more anarchic European state system and the threat of war. |
2 |  |  All of the following are strong examples of the progress of European integration EXCEPT |
|  | A) | the formation of the Council of Europe in 1948. |
|  | B) | the creation of the European Economic Community in 1957. |
|  | C) | the expansion of the EC both in membership and in the scope of its activities. |
|  | D) | the reaction to the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 transforming the EC into the European Union. |
|  | E) | the establishment of a European Court of Human Rights. |
3 |  |  The strongest evidence of the European Union's continuing vitality is |
|  | A) | the votes on acceptance of the Maastricht Treaty. |
|  | B) | the reaction of the members to the common currency. |
|  | C) | the number of countries that are applying for membership. |
|  | D) | its declaration of human rights. |
|  | E) | the common military command. |
4 |  |  All of the following contribute to Europe's continuing economic strength EXCEPT |
|  | A) | its advanced transportation infrastructure. |
|  | B) | its enthusiastic investments in technology. |
|  | C) | the addition of the former East Bloc's manufacturing plants. |
|  | D) | its high levels of schooling and strong educational programs. |
|  | E) | the rising value of the Euro which has also led to more uniform prices. |
5 |  |  Women's lives have changed in all the following ways EXCEPT |
|  | A) | their participation in education almost equals men's. |
|  | B) | they have become prominent in all the professions and in politics. |
|  | C) | labor unions have begun to champion their interests. |
|  | D) | contraception and abortion are readily available. |
|  | E) | their pay has come to be almost equal to men's. |
6 |  |  The major socioeconomic challenges facing Europe include all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | maintaining the social welfare systems in the face of recession and endemic unemployment. |
|  | B) | peacefully integrating the immigrants from less-developed areas of the world. |
|  | C) | stemming the outflow of technically skilled workers to the United States. |
|  | D) | protecting the environment despite the cost to already hard-pressed economies. |
|  | E) | providing for an increasingly elderly population. |
7 |  |  The radicals in the late 1960s failed to spark widespread revolutions for all the following reasons EXCEPT |
|  | A) | labor unions and the traditional left were suspicious of them. |
|  | B) | liberals and conservatives were put off by their manners and tactics. |
|  | C) | the voters repudiated them at the polls. |
|  | D) | the security forces massacred them. |
|  | E) | they failed to offer a substantive program for change. |
8 |  |  Women in the student movement turned to feminism because they became disillusioned by |
|  | A) | a lack of economic opportunities. |
|  | B) | violence of the radical fringe. |
|  | C) | the hostility they faced from ordinary citizens. |
|  | D) | the futility of the attempt to spark political revolution. |
|  | E) | the unequal treatment they got from male radicals. |
9 |  |  European terrorists used all of the following tactics EXCEPT |
|  | A) | kidnapping. |
|  | B) | assassination. |
|  | C) | poison gas. |
|  | D) | bombings. |
|  | E) | robberies. |
10 |  |  The European recession was caused by all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | radical sabotage. |
|  | B) | the energy crisis. |
|  | C) | inflation. |
|  | D) | economic stagnation. |
|  | E) | expensive government social programs. |
11 |  |  The Soviet Union's failure to keep up economically was evidenced by all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | its lagging agricultural productivity. |
|  | B) | its failure to develop high-tech industries. |
|  | C) | the performance of its heavy industry. |
|  | D) | its weakness in providing services. |
|  | E) | its high unemployment. |
12 |  |  Gorbachev's reform efforts focused on all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | perestroika, or political and economic restructuring. |
|  | B) | glasnost, or openness in public discussion and debate. |
|  | C) | the unstated but subtle dismantling of Communist party influence over the country. |
|  | D) | reduction of international tensions in order to free up resources from the military. |
|  | E) | decentralizing the decision-making process. |
13 |  |  The major challenge to Gorbachev's reforms came from |
|  | A) | disgruntled party members. |
|  | B) | the rise of nationalism. |
|  | C) | traditional dissidents. |
|  | D) | the re-emergence of class conflict. |
|  | E) | a reinvigorated NATO alliance seeking to roll back Soviet influence in Eastern Europe. |
14 |  |  Communist governments fell in Eastern Europe because of all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | they were unable to solve chronic economic problems. |
|  | B) | NATO threatened war if the Soviets moved against reformers. |
|  | C) | Gorbachev declined to intervene to prop them up. |
|  | D) | the reform movements commanded widespread support. |
|  | E) | there was no model of how to make desired changes and preserve communist rule. |
15 |  |  Boris Yeltsin replaced Gorbachev as the commanding figure when |
|  | A) | he took the initiative to intervene on behalf of communist regimes in Eastern Europe. |
|  | B) | he stood up to the old-line Communists who tried to stage a coup while Gorbachev was away. |
|  | C) | he led a coup that seized power from Gorbachev and took over the Soviet government himself. |
|  | D) | Gorbachev was killed in the abortive coup by radical reformers, who Yeltsin then suppressed. |
|  | E) | he took command of Soviet forces in Afghanistan and negotiated a peace settlement. |
16 |  |  The Soviet Union ceased to exist when |
|  | A) | the Baltic Republics broke away. |
|  | B) | the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan said so. |
|  | C) | Boris Yeltsin suppressed the Communist-dominated parliament. |
|  | D) | the army refused to intervene in breakaway republics. |
|  | E) | it changed its name to the Confederation of Independent States. |
17 |  |  The end of the Cold War brought all of the following changes EXCEPT |
|  | A) | the return of Moldova to Romania. |
|  | B) | the reunification of Germany. |
|  | C) | the bloody disintegration of Yugoslavia. |
|  | D) | the separation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. |
|  | E) | the increasing moderation and enfeeblement of communist parties across the continent. |
18 |  |  The disintegration of Yugoslavia included all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | the secession of Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. |
|  | B) | a brutal civil war in Bosnia between ethnic Serbs and Muslims. |
|  | C) | the separation of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. |
|  | D) | a secessionist movement in Kosovo that led to a massive air campaign against Serbia by NATO. |
|  | E) | the horrific siege of Sarajevo. |
19 |  |  Europe's response to the violence accompanying the disintegration of Yugoslavia can best be characterized as |
|  | A) | vigorous. |
|  | B) | dramatic. |
|  | C) | principled. |
|  | D) | reckless. |
|  | E) | ineffectual. |
20 |  |  Europe's cultural renewal included all of the following EXCEPT |
|  | A) | existentialism, which said that even without moral certainty, a person can still choose to live a moral life. |
|  | B) | Vatican II, which modernized Church ritual and beliefs. |
|  | C) | the revival of classical literary forms in an attempt to reach back to the roots of European culture. |
|  | D) | artistic movements that picked up and carried forward earlier modernist themes and techniques. |
|  | E) | neo-realism, a style of literature and film-making that showed how ordinary people experienced the travails of the twentieth century. |