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Daily Concept Quiz
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You are out hiking along rocky terrain and you come across a small, sharp cliff that appears as shown in the picture. The cliff is most likely a result of
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A)a strike-slip fault.
B)a normal fault.
C)a reverse fault.
D)a fold.
Alfred Wegener postulated his theory of continental drift based on
A)the theory of plate tectonics.
B)similar evolutionary patterns on separate continents.
C)geological similarities on separate continents.
D)the theory of plate tectonics and similar evolutionary patterns on separate continents.
E)similar evolutionary patterns and geological similarities on separate continents.
The continents originally formed
A)two land masses called Laurasia and Gondwana.
B)one land mass called Eurasia.
C)one land mass called Pangaea.
D)several individual land masses, which have become today's current continents.
The asthenosphere
A)is the part of the atmosphere just above the crust.
B)is divided into seven large plates and a number of smaller plates.
C)sometimes behaves like a solid and sometimes like a thick fluid.
D)sits just above the lithosphere and below the crust.
The ocean floors are considered to be "young" because
A)small portions of the ocean floors are replaced each year by molten material.
B)most of the floor of each ocean is replaced each year by molten material.
C)the ocean floors were new when the oceans formed.
D)the ocean washes away the floor sediments exposing new material.
A subduction zone is created when
A)volcanoes form along the region between two colliding tectonic plates.
B)an oceanic crust covered plate collides with a continental crust covered plate.
C)two continental crust covered plates collide.
D)two plates slide along one another.
Radiocarbon dating is used to determine the age of
C)inorganic materials.
D)organic materials.
We currently live in
A)Precambrian time.
B)the Cenozoic era.
C)the Mesozoic era.
D)the Paleozoic era.
E)none of the eras listed above.
Which statement is TRUE?
A)Epochs are divided into eras.
B)Only the Cenozoic era has epochs.
C)Extinctions are used to divide geologic time intervals into epochs.
D)None of these is correct.
Which of the following are renewable energy resources?
C)Coal and petroleum
D)Neither coal nor petroleum

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