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Daily Concept Quiz
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We don't see stars in the daytime because
A)the sun blocks their view.
B)they all set as the sun comes up.
C)light from the sun overwhelms the light from the stars.
D)the stars only emit light at night.
As a star undergoes collapse, its rate of rotation (Hint: think of an ice skater)
C)stays the same.
The stars that last the longest are those with
A)the largest masses.
B)the smallest masses.
C)the largest radii.
D)the hottest temperatures.
Ultimately the sun will end up as
A)a white dwarf.
B)a black hole.
C)a neutron star.
D)none of thesee.
The iron in an old anvil was produced by
A)chemical reactions.
C)fission processes in stars.
D)fusion processes in stars.
How many stars have we sent space probes to?
A)Several, but all nearby
B)Just two
If two stars in the same constellation appear equally bright then we know that they
A)both must be the same distance away.
B)both must have the same apparent brightness.
C)both must have the same intrinsic brightness.
D)All of the above are true.
When we say a star like our sun has a "color" we mean that
A)it shines with only one wavelength of light.
B)it shines with a few wavelengths of light to produce a spectral pattern but most of the wavelengths are around the sun's color.
C)it shines with all wavelengths of light but the brightest wavelength corresponds to the sun's color.
D)it has an absorption line at the wavelength corresponding to the sun's color.
In the HR diagram, where are the "normal" stars?
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D)In all three areas: A, B, and C
What remnants might we expect to see after a supernova?
A)A black hole
B)A pulsar
C)A neutron star
D)All of these are correct.
E)None of these is correct.
If our Sun were to suddenly collapse and become a black hole with the same mass as it now has, what would happen to the earth?
A)The earth would immediately get sucked into the center of the black hole.
B)The earth would start spiraling into the center of the black hole before it finally falls in.
C)The earth would continue to orbit in the same way as if nothing happened.

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