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Study Guide Quiz
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Choose the correct answer

Investigation of the photoelectric effect led to the discovery that
A)electrons exist.
B)photons have no mass and travel with the speed of light.
C)light has both wave properties and particle properties.
D)light is a form of electromagnetic energy.
In the equation E = hf, h stands for
A)light frequency.
B)Planck's constant.
D)particle momentum.
When x-rays are produced by an x-ray tube
A)electron KE is transformed into photon energy.
B)x-ray photon energy is transferred to electrons.
C)the effect is the same as the photoelectric effect.
D)there is a direct relationship between the number of electrons emitted in the tube and the energy of the x-rays produced.
The momentum of a proton and an electron are calculated. The proton is shown to have more momentum than the electron; therefore, the de Broglie wavelength of the proton is
A)longer than the de Broglie wavelength of the electron.
B)shorter than the de Broglie wavelength of the electron.
C)the same as that of the electron.
D)unable to be determined.
Concerning an atomic electron, it is impossible to determine both its exact position and its exact ____________ at the same time.
D)quantum number
Which one of the following objects is not governed by the uncertainty principle?
A)an automobile
B)an atomic electron
C)an atom
D)All of these objects are governed by the uncertainty principle.
According to the Bohr model of the atom, an atomic electron
A)in the innermost orbit has the most energy.
B)cannot jump to an orbit of higher energy by absorbing energy.
C)can have only certain particular energies.
D)has no fixed orbit.
The quantum number n of an electron orbit equals
A)the number of electrons that can occupy the orbit.
B)the number of electron waves that fit into the orbit.
C)the speed of the electrons as they move about the nucleus.
D)the number of photons the orbital electrons emit when each jumps to a lower energy level.
Which one of the following best describes laser-produced light?
A)multiple-frequency incoherent light
B)multiple-frequency coherent light
C)single-frequency incoherent light
D)single-frequency coherent light
For an electron circulating in a probability cloud, where ψ2 has a high value
A)the electron has the highest probability of being found.
B)the electron is least likely to be found.
C)the probability of finding the electron is zero.
D)the probability of finding the electron cannot be determined.

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Refer to the above drawings to answer questions 11–13. The drawings represent light of different frequencies striking a metal surface.

The drawing demonstrates the
A)electromagnetic effect.
B)photoelectric effect.
C)production of x-rays.
D)creation of electrons.
Compared to red light, blue light
A)travels faster than red light.
B)is dimmer than red light.
C)has a higher frequency than red light.
D)has more photons than red light.
If the brightness of the blue light was increased
A)fewer fast electrons would be emitted.
B)more fast electrons would be emitted.
C)there would be no change in the number of fast electrons emitted.
D)many slow electrons would be emitted.

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Refer to the above drawing to answer questions 14–16. The drawing represents the wave description of a moving object.

The waves associated with the wave behavior of a moving particle are called
A)particle waves.
B)probability waves.
C)matter waves.
D)electromagnetic waves.
The symbol ψ stands for
A)particle function.
B)probability function.
C)de Broglie function.
D)wave function.
The drawing indicates a wide wave packet. Which one of the following properties cannot be precisely determined?
A)de Broglie wavelength
B)position of the particle
C)particle's momentum
D)probability density

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