Psych 2.0 is all you need to boost your performance in Intro Psych. Using your guidebook and the resources in the left menu, you will deepen your understanding of key psychology concepts, allowing you to perform better on exams.
To get started, select a topic from the drop-down menu on the left side of the screen.
Introducing Psych 2.0. The easiest way to introduce, assign, and assess experiential activities and testing practice. No matter how you teach your course, or what textbook you use, Psych 2.0 offers one solution to help your students study more effectively and perform better in the course.
An innovative combination of both print and online components, the Psych 2.0 web site and accompanying guidebook, Psych 2.0 Online Experience Guide, combine the best of a study guide -- a synopsis introducing an activity, pre-activity TIPS for content priming and post-activity questions for critical thinking; the best of online interactivity -- experiential, observational, and visual learning; and the best of teachability -- ease in assigning material and assessing performance -- to fit any style or course type.
Hybrid/blended courses: for instructors who require the equivalent of one or more lecture periods outside of class, Psych 2.0 makes it easy to assign the kind of activity you want in a way that is easy and seamless to instructors and students. For instance, perhaps you are lecturing on classical conditioning during the beginning of the week. In order to see how your students understand and can apply that information, you assign one or both of the Classical Conditioning activities. Students complete it and you can either view detailed results, or just see that they've done the work, right in your Blackboard gradebook.
Application for larger classrooms: Many instructors tell us that they would like to be able to assign small papers or experiments to their students but class size and resources for grading those assignments makes it difficult to manage. Psych 2.0 allows the instructor to choose from a variety of activities that range from 10 to 60 minutes in class time. Because the guidebook is easy to flip through instructors can more easily get an overview of the activities available for specific topics and more quickly assign those specific activities. Also available in fully compatible CMS platforms (Blackboard, WebCT, Desire to Learn, and others) instructors simply assign the activity in the guidebook to read and prime and then go to their regular CMS and find the activity.
Extra credit/remediation/recitation sections: For instructors who want to be able to assign extra credit or whish to have more ways to help their students remediate where they are having problems, Psych 2.0 can be used as a recommended part of the course. And for programs that offer study/recitation sections, Psych 2.0 helps the instructor guide a GTA through appropriate level activities and assessment without having to create another part of the course.
This Psych 2.0 Instructor resource site provides all you need to implement this innovative course resource. Select a chapter, then a concept from the menu on the left to preview the available activities for students as well as Lecture Links for your personal PowerPoints, and EZ-Test assessment questions associated with each activity.
In this demo version, the following concepts are live:
Science and Methodology (The Scientific Method)
The Brain and Behavior (Structure of Neurons)
Learning (Shaping)
Motivation (The Need for Achievement)
Social Psychology (The Fundamental Attribution Error; and Milgram's Obedience Study)