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Exploring Advertising
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  1. Find examples of creative print media formats, such as bleed pages, cover positions, inserts and gatefolds, and special sizes, such as junior pages and island halves. Explain why you think those formats were chosen for those.

  2. Cut several ads out of a magazine. Based on the "Pros and Cons of Magazine Advertising" My Ad Campaign, determine the primary reasons those advertisers chose to use this medium. Was it a good choice?

  3. Cut several ads out of the local newspaper. Based on the "Pros and Cons of Newspaper Advertising" My Ad Campaign, determine the primary reasons those advertisers chose to use this medium. Was it a good choice?

  4. Select a newspaper or magazine advertisement. Using the My Ad Campaign: "Planning and Evaluating Print Media," answer the questions as if you had been the media planner for the ad you selected. For example, who do you think the advertiser wants to reach? Why did they use print? What are the brand objectives? Why did they select print, specifically the publication selected?

  5. Using the Maine Times Record rate card on page 297, answer the following questions about advertising in the Times Record:

    1. How far in advance must display ads be submitted?
    2. How far in advance may an ad be cancelled?
    3. How much are charities charged per column inch for a weekend ad?
    4. How wide is a 3-column display ad?
    5. How much more would it cost to run a two-color ad?
    6. How much of a premium would you have to pay to have your ad on the weather page?
    7. How much of a price break would you get if you ran your ad a second time, two days later?

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