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Review Questions
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  1. What were the advantages of using broadcast television advertising (including the Super Bowl) for Hyundai Motor America?
  2. What steps can advertisers take to overcome zipping and zapping?
  3. Why has advertising on network TV become less desirable in recent years?
  4. In what ways is cable TV's selectivity a strength? A drawback?
  5. How can TV and radio be used best in an integrated marketing communications program?
  6. How does syndication differ from network television?
  7. What are the various ways to measure a TV program's audience and cost efficiency?
  8. What is the format of the radio station you listen to most? How would you describe the demographics of its target audience?
  9. What is the difference between average quarter-hour and cume persons? Which is better?
  10. What is the significance of dayparts in radio and TV advertising? What are the best dayparts for each?

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