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Review Questions
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  1. What is the difference between out-of-home media and outdoor advertising?
  2. Why is outdoor advertising sometimes referred to as the last mass medium?
  3. Which advertising objectives are the outdoor media mostly suitable for?
  4. Is outdoor an effective advertising medium for a local political candidate? Why?
  5. How do gross rating points for outdoor media differ from GRPs for electronic media?
  6. What are the principal categories of transit advertising?
  7. What is a brand train and what advantages does it offer over less expensive forms of transit advertising?
  8. How could you integrate direct mail into an integrated marketing communications program? Give an example.
  9. What factors have the greatest influence on the success of a direct-mail campaign?
  10. How does specialty advertising differ from premiums? How could a local computer store use these media, and which would be better for the store to use?

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