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Exploring Advertising
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  1. You have been put in charge of Public Relations for a large metropolitan hospital. Make a list of your possible objectives and describe examples of programs you might initiate over the next 12 months to help achieve those objectives.

  2. Kid Specs is a new brand of eyeglasses designed for children under the age of 12. It comes in a variety of fashionable materials and styles. As the brand manager, you don't have a large advertising budget, but you've heard that sponsorships can be a very cost-effective tool for gaining awareness and brand loyalty. Develop and describe several sponsorship ideas that could benefit Kid Specs.

  3. Find an advertisement for a local event or an article about a local company. Imagine that you are the Public Relations manager for the event sponsor or the local company. Write a news release that might result in a favorable article. Follow the format suggested in My Ad Campaign: "How to Write a News Release." Where would you send the release? Are there any other materials you might include?

  4. Every company wants the best and brightest employees. Look at several recruitment advertisements in the Wall Street Journal or your local Sunday newspaper, as well as recruitment ads at,, and and evaluate them. Which ones seem to be the most effective? What makes them superior?

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