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Review Questions
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  1. Almost half of advertising dollars are spent on local advertising. Why is local advertising so important?
  2. What are the four types of local advertising and what purpose do they serve?
  3. Why do wholesalers and manufacturers provide co-op advertising funds and materials to local advertisers?
  4. What additional challenges are faced by companies that advertise internationally?
  5. How do the media in other countries tend to differ from that which we are accustomed to in the United States?
  6. Why do so many advertisers hire ad agencies?
  7. In what ways does the role of an Account Planner differ from that of an Account Executive?
  8. What are the most important things an advertiser should consider when selecting an agency?
  9. What is the best way to compensate an agency? Explain your answer?
  10. What are some things that agencies will need to do to adapt to the media options created by new technologies?

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