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Exploring Advertising
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  1. Find a print ad and identify the utility that is communicated in the ad. Does it address a functional need or a symbolic want? Describe that need or want.

  2. Bring in or describe an advertisement that seems to be directed toward a specific target market. Describe what you perceive to be the targeted market segment. Define it using behavioristic, demographic, psychographic, and geographic variables.

  3. Select a consumer product and describe what stage of the Product Life Cycle you believe it to be in. How would being in that stage affect the target market selected and the marketing mix used for this product or service?

  4. Think of a product or service (not mentioned in this chapter) that is strongly positioned. Describe its positioning. Does its advertising differentiate it from other products with perceptible, hidden, or induced differences?

  5. Go to the VALS Web site ( and take the VALS Survey. Do you agree with the results? Do they correctly describe your segment? How would this information be useful to a marketer who was trying to target its product or service to you?

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