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Review Questions
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  1. Why do you think that the agencies that have adopted account planning are the ones performing the best work, getting the biggest accounts, and winning all the awards?
  2. Give an example that demonstrates the difference between marketing research and advertising research.
  3. Which kind of research data is more expensive to collect, primary or secondary? Why?
  4. How have you personally used observational research?
  5. As a marketer, how might you combine the information you can obtain from the UPC scanning and retailer loyalty cards?
  6. Which of the major surveying methods is most costly? Why?
  7. In what ways might pretesting advertising yield misleading results?
  8. When might research offer validity but not reliability?
  9. Why is a probability sample more expensive and more reliable than a non-probability sample?
  10. How would you design a controlled experiment to test the advertising for a chain of men's clothing stores?

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