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Review Questions
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  1. What is a marketing plan and why is it a company's most important document?
  2. What are some examples that illustrate the difference between need-satisfying objectives and sales-target objectives?
  3. What are the various approaches to developing a positioning strategy?
  4. What basic elements should be included in a top-down marketing plan?
  5. How can small companies use bottom-up marketing to become big companies?
  6. What are the differences between a company's objectives, strategies, and tactics?
  7. What is synergy and how is it created by IMC?
  8. What are the elements of an advertising plan and an advertising strategy?
  9. What types of companies tend to use the percentage-of-sales method? Why?
  10. How might a packaged foods manufacturer use the share-of-market/share-of-voice method to determine its advertising budget?

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