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Exploring Advertising
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  1. Find a newspaper or magazine ad with a headline that you don't think is very effective. Rewrite the headline. What classification of headline did you choose? Explain the reasons for the changes that you made.

  2. Find examples of print ads that use three of the standard subjects for the visual focus of the ads. Explain why you believe the art director chose that visual focus.

  3. On a print ad, identify all of the key format elements and describe what classification or style of each element was used. Indicate which element you believe is the focal point and what path your eye takes when it first views the ad.

  4. Critique a print ad based on the Checklist: "Writing Effective Copy." Give the ad a grade for each of the points and explain why you assigned that grade. Repeat this exercise for radio and television, using the appropriate checklists.

  5. Go to and translate a common slang term or advertising tagline from English to one of the languages offered. Then take the result and translate it back to English. Could you have used the translation in your client's advertising?

  6. Print the home page for a Web site of your choosing. Explain which elements you believe work particularly well and which ones do not.

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