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Learning Objectives
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Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to:

LO 9-1Explain the concept of basis and adjusted basis and describe the cost recovery methods used under the tax law to recover the cost of personal property, real property, intangible assets, and natural resources.

LO 9-2Determine the applicable cost recovery (depreciation) life, method, and convention for tangible personal and real property and calculate the deduction allowable under basic MACRS.

LO 9-3Explain the additional special cost recovery rules (§179, bonus, listed property) and calculate the deduction allowable under these rules.

LO 9-4Explain the rationale behind amortization, describe the four categories of amortizable intangible assets, and calculate amortization expense.

LO 9-5Explain cost recovery of natural resources and the allowable depletion methods.

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