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Web Quest Lesson Plan


In this unit, students have explored the topic of friendship. In this lesson, students will visit a Web site dedicated to the topic. The Web site includes writing samples submitted by students from around the world that address the topic of “friends.”

Lesson Description

Students will go to the Web site Kids on the Net: Friends Special ( They will read writing by students from around the world on the topic of friendship. Students will complete the activity by writing their own response about friends and friendships in a format of their choice.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will use the Internet to connect with students in other countries.
  2. Students will activate prior knowledge related to friends and friendship.
  3. Students will write a short essay, poem, or paragraph on the topic of friendship, using the writing pieces on the Web site as models.

Example Answer

Some people have lots of friends,
But I prefer just a few.
I am able to spend more time with each of them,
We always have things to do.

My friends are very important to me,
And I think I am to them.
My friends are loyal and dependable,
I hope we are never split up.

When I have a problem,
I ask my friends for help.
Sometimes their advice works,
But even when it doesn’t,
I know I’m lucky to have friends who listen.

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