OCCT Preparation and Practice Workbook, Grade 6 SE Online Student Edition Author Search Interactive Literary Elements Handbook Interactive Writing Models Multi-Language Glossaries Study Central™ Study-to-Go™ Unit Resources Big Question Overview and Resources Big Question Spanish Overviews Web Quest Unit Assessment Selection Vocabulary eFlashcards Academic Vocabulary eFlashcards Combined eFlashcards RW Resources Puzzles and Games Selection Resources Selection Quick Checks (English) Selection Quick Checks (Spanish) | Literature
Big Question Overview and ResourcesOverview Mistakes are a normal part of being a human. Everyone makes them! The important part of making mistakes is what you learn from them. Mistakes are a chance to learn about yourself and to help you grow. Reading stories often helps us learn the importance of making mistakes. Historical fiction is a type of story that takes place in the past but is not true. Historical nonfiction is a type of writing that takes place in the past and involves real people and real places. These forms of writing are a fun way to learn about the past. Web Resources Apollo 13 – A Successful Failure Strange Science Silly Putty A Cookie Without a Chip Mistakes Turned Good Log InThe resource you requested requires you to enter a username and password below: | |||