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Web Quest Lesson Plan

Students have explored the topic of the Harlem Renaissance. In this lesson, they will read different stories from African American folklore and explore some common themes found in these tales. After reading through two Web sites of different folklore tales, students will create a list of common themes in these tales and explain why they believe the themes are important.

Lesson Description
Students will about African American Folklore and stories collected by Zora Neale Hurston and then create a list of some common themes found in the tales. Then students will explain why they think these themes were important.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will use the Internet as an information resource.
  2. Students will identify common themes in African American folklore.
  3. Students will explain why these themes are important to the culture’s folklore.

Student Web Activity Sample Answer
Some common themes in African American folklore are the use of animals with human qualities (such as the ability to speak) and using folklore to explain occurrences in nature. I think that these themes are important because lessons can be taught about human interactions in a “neutral” environment by using animals. Folklore also attempts to help people understand the world around them.

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