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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.Of whom does Abigail remind the artist Gilbert Stuart and John Adams?
A.Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty
B.Susanna Adams, John's mother
C.Diana, the Roman goddess of the moon
D.Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom

2.In what way were John and Abigail alike?
A.They both came from broken homes.
B.They both loved to talk and were both strong-minded.
C.They both shared a dislike of poetry.
D.They were both physically intimidating individuals.

3.Why did Abigail have John's letters "smoked" in 1764?
A.John's letters contained personal and political secrets.
B.She did not want the letters to get into the hands of her mother.
C.John wanted the letters preserved for viewing later in life.
D.She wanted to rid the letters of possible small pox contamination.

4.Why did Abigail's mother oppose her daughter's marriage to John?
A.She thought that John was beneath her daughter socially.
B.She did not approve of John's physical appearance.
C.She thought that John opposed slavery.
D.She disliked John's mother, Susanna.

5.What happened in 1765 that changed the lives of the Adams family?
A.John began riding the court circuit.
B.John Adams began his rise to political prominence.
C.Abigail, the Adams's first child, died.
D.John Quincy, the Adams's son, was born.

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