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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What did Mary Chesnut do when she heard the cannons fire upon Fort Sumter?
A.She ran to where the Confederate batteries were.
B.She rushed out to street to talk with her neighbors.
C.She fell to her knees and prayed.
D.She hid underneath her bed.

2.What prevented Mary Chesnut and her friends from eating on April 13?
A.The citizens of Charleston were preparing to leave the city.
B.The people of Charleston were running out of food.
C.The vibrations and shocks from cannon fire made everything fall.
D.Cannon shells were falling close to the Chestnut house.

3.What happened on April 15, 1861?
A.The Union forces at Fort Sumter surrendered.
B.Colonel Chestnut was slightly wounded.
C.Fort Sumter declared victory.
D.Everyone was finally able to sleep.

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