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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What did the scientists leave on the table each morning before heading out to do their work? for anyone who might arrive at the base
B.all of their personal belongings
C.a handwritten note detailing when they left, where they were going, and when they would return
D.a personal note to their families

2.Why couldn't the scientists give rescuers an exact location of where they were stranded?
A.Their navigation equipment was broken by the ice.
B.They were in pack ice and constantly moving.
C.Their work was confidential and no one else was to be informed.
D.Their radios did not work in the cold environment.

3.According to Lopez, what is the most common simile used for the journeys of early arctic explorers?
A.the voyages of William Perry
B.the journey of Saint Brendan prospectors in the Yukon
D.the exploits of astronauts

4.What force does Lopez argue drove the early explorers?
D.the quest for knowledge

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