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Selection Quick Checks (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection.

1.What happened early that Sunday morning?
A.There had been a gathering of newborn babies in town.
B.The war had officially ended.
C.There had been a large parade.
D.There had been an air bombing.

2.Why did the people of Valencia initially laugh at the narrator?
A.because she did not speak their language very well
B.because she wore a hat
C.because they did not like Americans
D.because they thought the narrator walked very awkwardly

3.Why had the soldiers not written to their families?
A.Their families had all been killed in a bombing.
B.Paper was in short supply during the war.
C.They were union men, and would have been executed if captured.
D.They had no way of getting their letters home.

4.In what way was the Swedish girl different from the narrator?
A.She valued her cigarettes and did not want to give them to the soldiers.
B.She did not like vermouth.
C.She was very wealthy.
D.She had experienced some of the brutalities of war.

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