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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.When do the portrait salesmen begin arriving?
A.every evening in the spring time
B.when the holiday seasons come soon as the people head north to work
D.when the people return from the north

2.Why was Don Mateo concerned about giving the photograph of Chuy to the salesman?
A.It was the only photograph of him as adult that they owned.
B.It was in a very expensive frame.
C.Vieja did not want the salesman to sell the photograph.
D.He did not trust the salesman.

3.Where did Don Mateo find the salesman who had swindled him? a tunnel near the town dump a gathering of Korean War veterans the house of friend who was about to purchase a portrait San Antonio

4.What do people say of the new portrait of Chuy?
A.He looks just like his mother.
B.He looks like a brave soldier.
C.He looks much like his father.
D.He doesn't look anything like his father or mother.

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