Thank you for using CiMO, 9e in your course! It is our goal to provide you and your students with all the support you need to have a successful course. If you are using Case Studies for use with Computers in the Medical Office, 9e, you will find everything you need for that book here as well.
What you will find by clicking on the links to the left?
CiMO, 9e Instructor’s Manual
Case Studies, 9e Instructor’s Manual
CiMO, 9e Testbank
Word version
EZ Test Online (computerized testbank)
CiMO, 9e PowerPoint Presentations
Case Studies, 9e PowerPoint Presentations
Tools to Plan Course (for both CiMO and Case Studies)
Instructor’s Asset Map
Conversion Guide for CiMO, 8e to CiMO, 9e
Conversion Guide for Case Studies, 8e to Case Studies, 9e
Task List comparison between CiMO, 9e and Case Studies, 9e
Correlations to accrediting bodies such as ABHES, CAAHEP, and CAHIIM
Sample Syllabi
To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center.