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Learning Objectives
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Your learning objectives are to be able to:

LO D-1Define internal auditing; describe internal audit institutions (e.g., the IIA); describe how internal auditors interact with independent auditors; explain internal auditors' independence problems; and list features of internal audit reports.
LO D-2Define governmental auditing; describe governmental audit institutions (e.g., the GAO); describe how governmental auditors interact with independent auditors; explain governmental auditors' independence problems; and list features of governmental audit reports.
LO D-3Explain the function of standards and measurements in economy, efficiency, and program results audits.
LO D-4Describe the Single Audit Act of 1984 in relation to audits of governmental fund recipients.
LO D-5Define fraud examination and describe various engagements performed by fraud examiners.
LO D-6Describe the elements necessary for a successful fraud examination and explain the differences in the way fraud examiners and external auditors handle evidence.
LO D-7Describe the ways CPAs can assist in prosecuting fraud perpetrators.

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