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Chapter Quiz
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When a manager chooses inappropriate goals, but makes good use of resources to pursue these goals, it usually results in a:
A)product that customers want, but that is too expensive for them to buy.
B)product that customers want at a quality and price that they can afford.
C)low-quality product that customers do not want.
D)high-quality product that customers do not want.
E)product that customers want, but is of low quality.
Which of the following questions would an organization use to gauge the efficiency of a process?
A)Are our customers satisfied with the product we sell?
B)Did we make the best use of our resources to produce the product?
C)Are we making the best-quality product in the market?
D)Is out product better than our competitors’ products?
E)Did we make a product with features that the customer requires?
Establishing accurate measuring and monitoring systems to evaluate how well the organization has achieved its goals is part of the _____ task of management.
The daily supervision of nonmanagerial employees is the responsibility of ___.
A)first-line managers
B)chief executive officers
C)top managers
D)middle managers
E)chief operating officers
Which of the following is true of first-line managers?
A)Their main tasks in the organization are planning and controlling.
B)They are responsible for the supervision of middle managers.
C)Their function is the direct leadership of nonmanagerial employees.
D)They form the top management team in the organization.
E)They have cross-departmental responsibility.
Which of the following best describes conceptual skills?
A)They involve the ability to lead and control other individuals.
B)They refer to the ability to to distinguish between cause and effect.
C)They are inherent and cannot be learned through education and training.
D)They are job-specific skills that are required to perform a particular task.
E)They are department-specific and vary from department to department.
Downsizing an organization by eliminating the jobs of large numbers of top, middle, and first-line managers and nonmanagerial employees is called _____.
Which of the following best describes outsourcing?
A)It involves a company acquiring other entities in its supply chain in order to reduce costs.
B)It refers to the process of downsizing an organization and using fewer employees complete the same tasks.
C)It refers to the management technique that involves giving employees more authority and responsibility over how they perform their work activities.
D)It refers to an agreement that a company will buy only from a single supplier, and the supplier sell only to the company.
E)It involves contracting with another company in a low-cost country to have it perform a work activity the organization previously performed itself.
The creation of a new vision for a struggling company using a new approach to planning and organizing to make better use of a company’s resources to allow it to survive and eventually prosper refers to ___ management.
E)total quality
Which of the following best describes the technique of empowerment?
A)It gives the top management team in the organization cross-departmental responsibility.
B)It works to centralize authority and decision-making power within the organization.
C)It involves giving employees more authority over how they perform their work activities.
D)It gives the top managers in the organization the authority to supervise middle and first-line managers.
E)It eliminates self-managed work teams in favour of total quality management techniques.

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