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Minitab Data Sets
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MiniTab Sets

All of the following MiniTab files have been zipped and placed in the document for easy downloading
Minitab Data Files (297.0K)

Absence Data (4.0K)

Accident (4.0K)

AcctAge (4.0K)

AdStudy (4.0K)

AirDelays (5.0K)

AlertTimes (4.0K)

ATMTime (4.0K)

AuditPos (4.0K)

AuditPos2 (4.0K)

AutoAcc (4.0K)

AutoLoan (4.0K)

AutoMkt (4.0K)

AutoShares05 (4.0K)

AutoShares10 (4.0K)

BadDebt (4.0K)

BakeSale (4.0K)

BakeSale2 (4.0K)

BasicCable (4.0K)

BassWeights (4.0K)

BikeSales (4.0K)

BookSales (4.0K)

BottleDes (4.0K)

BottleDes2 (5.0K)

BoxYield (4.0K)

BreadPref (4.0K)

CDCData (4.0K)

CEOAges (4.0K)

Camshaft (5.0K)

CarSeat (4.0K)

CardBox (4.0K)

Catalyst (4.0K)

CellUse (4.0K)

Charities (6.0K)

ChemYield (4.0K)

CholRed (4.0K)

ClassSizes (4.0K)

CodeErr (4.0K)

Coffee (4.0K)

Coke (4.0K)

ColaSurvey (5.0K)

Complaints (4.0K)

Coupon (4.0K)

CredLim (4.0K)

CreditCd (4.0K)

DVDPlayers (4.0K)

DVDSat (4.0K)

DataErr (4.0K)

DebtEq (4.0K)

DelTime (4.0K)

DeprMeth (4.0K)

Design (4.0K)

DigCam (4.0K)

DinnerCost (4.0K)

DirLab (4.0K)

Display (4.0K)

Display2 (4.0K)

DrSalary (4.0K)

EPSGrowth (4.0K)

Electronics1 (4.0K)

Electronics2 (5.0K)

EntrPref (4.0K)

FamIncomes (4.0K)

FastFood (5.0K)

FinalExams (4.0K)

FirstExam (4.0K)

FreeThrw (4.0K)

Fresh (4.0K)

Fresh2 (4.0K)

Fresh3 (5.0K)

GasAdd (4.0K)

GasCon1 (4.0K)

GasCon2 (4.0K)

GasMile2 (4.0K)

GasMiles (4.0K)

Gender (4.0K)

GenderDiff (4.0K)

GolfBall (4.0K)

GolfBrands (4.0K)

GradeDist (4.0K)

Grades (4.0K)

HistoData (4.0K)

HoleLoc (4.0K)

HomeRuns (4.0K)

HomeSales (4.0K)

HospLab (5.0K)

HospLab2 (5.0K)

HospLab3 (5.0K)

HospLab4 (5.0K)

HotChoc (4.0K)

HouseProf (4.0K)

ISO9000 (4.0K)

ISOReg (4.0K)

Incomes (4.0K)

InsInnov (4.0K)

InstLoan (5.0K)

Invest (4.0K)

InvestRet (4.0K)

Invoice (4.0K)

Invoice2 (4.0K)

JDPower (5.0K)

JeepSales (5.0K)

Keyboard (4.0K)

KnobDiam (5.0K)

LabForce (5.0K)

LabTest (4.0K)

Labels (4.0K)

LargeComp (5.0K)

LeftTip (4.0K)

MLB (4.0K)

MLBTeams (5.0K)

MicroWav (4.0K)

ModelAge (4.0K)

Mortgage (5.0K)

NBAIncome (5.0K)

NJBank (4.0K)

Nascar (4.0K)

OutcomeDist (4.0K)

OxHome (5.0K)

OxHome2 (5.0K)

PayTVRates (4.0K)

PayTime (4.0K)

PerfTest (4.0K)

PizzaDiam (5.0K)

PizzaFreq (4.0K)

PizzaPercents (4.0K)

PizzaPref (4.0K)

PoolHome (5.0K)

PowerCeleb (4.0K)

PowerPt (4.0K)

PrcRed (4.0K)

PrdnTimes (4.0K)

Preserves (4.0K)

ProfSports (4.0K)

ProfitMar20 (4.0K)

QHIC (4.0K)

Raffle (4.0K)

RealEst2 (4.0K)

Repair (4.0K)

RestRating (4.0K)

RevGrowth20 (4.0K)

RevGrowth30 (4.0K)

RuthsHomers (4.0K)

SaleMeth (4.0K)

SaleMeth2 (4.0K)

SalePerf (5.0K)

SalePerf2 (5.0K)

Sales20 (4.0K)

SalesAdv (4.0K)

SalesPlot (4.0K)

SatRatings (4.0K)

ScanPan (4.0K)

SecondExam (4.0K)

ShopExp (4.0K)

SmallComp (5.0K)

Smoking (5.0K)

SrvcTime (4.0K)

SrvcTime2 (4.0K)

StockIndex (4.0K)

StockRtn (4.0K)

StudyTime (4.0K)

TVRate (4.0K)

TVView (4.0K)

TastySub1 (4.0K)

TastySub2 (4.0K)

TelMktResp (4.0K)

TipPercent (4.0K)

TrashBag (4.0K)

TrueSound (4.0K)

UnitedOil (4.0K)

VideoGame (4.0K)

WaitTime (4.0K)

WestStk (4.0K)

WholeFoods (4.0K)

WineCons (4.0K)

WineCooler (4.0K)


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