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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Please answer all questions.

All youth sport coaches should be certified and educated in:
A)techniques of coaching
B)first aid
D)child development
E)all of the above
Rates of injury in children and adolescents vary with age and gender. Participation should be matched based on which of the following?
C)physical maturity
D)skill level
E)all of the above
Separation of genders should begin
A)once boys have a
B)psychological and emotional scarring
C)early degenerative arthritis
D)all of the above are major concerns
Children and athletes should engage in a conditioning program prior to engaging in daily practice/training sessions. How many weeks of conditioning should the individual engage in prior to initiating the training routine?
A)2 weeks
B)4 weeks
C)6 weeks
D)10 weeks
Children are susceptible to many of the same sport injuries that the physically mature athlete is, including sprains, strains, and skeletal fractures. In addition, children can also sustain a pulling away of soft tissue from bone where a little piece of bone may actually be torn away. This is called a (an):
A)stress reaction
B)stress fracture

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