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Assembly line    An item is produced through a fixed sequence of workstations, designed to achieve a specific production rate.
Continuous process    A process that converts raw materials into finished product in one contiguous process.
Customer order decoupling point    Where inventory is positioned in the supply chain.
Lead time    The time needed to respond to a customer order.
Lean manufacturing    To achieve high customer service with minimum levels of inventory investment.
These terms describe how customers are served by a firm.
Manufacturing cell    Dedicated area where a group of similar products are produced.
Product–process matrix    A framework depicting when the different production process types are typically used depending on product volume and how standardized the product is.
Project layout    For large or massive products produced in a specific location, labor, material, and equipment are moved to the product rather than vice versa.
Workcenter    A process with great flexibility to produce a variety of products, typically at lower volume levels.

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