Tanner 12/e Jazz
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Jazz, 12/e

Paul O.W. Tanner, University of California, Los Angeles
David W. Megill, Mira Costa College

ISBN: 0078025117
Copyright year: 2013

About the Authors

Dave Megill is a recently retired music instructor from MiraCosta College, a published author, online instructor, and musician. He is a skilled programmer and key developer of multimedia and interactive components for music online activities. Awards include an "honorable mention" at the CVC Online Learning Site Award and the "Best Professor Web Site" in Prentice Hall's "Afternoon of Innovation. "He has also received the Gerald Haywood award for excellence in teaching from the California Community Colleges and the John McFarland literary excellence award from the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges.

Paul Tanner came to fame as a trombonist in Glenn Miller’s orchestra from 1938 to 1942. He graduated and received his Master’s degree from UCLA and became a professor there in 1964. Tanner developed and played the electrotheremin, including playing with the Beach Boys on several tracks, including “Good Vibrations.”

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