Doubly Chromatic Mediant Relationship | A relationship between chords that have roots a m3 or M3 apart, are of opposite modes, and share no common tones (e.g. C to a (0.0K), c to A).
Omnibus | A progression used to harmonize a chromatic bass line.
Simultaneities | Traditional sonorities that are used in a non-traditional manner. The use of a traditional Roman numeral label is meaningless for such chords, because the resulting tones do not function in the traditional sense.
Third Substitute | A chord that can be used in place of another chord whose root lies a 3rd away, insofar as they share a common function and two common tones (e.g. iii can substitute for V, as ii can for IV, and vi can for I).
Total Voice-Leading Distance | A measure of the smoothness of the voice-leading motion between one chord and another; it is determined by adding together the total number of half steps that each voice moves from the first chord to the second.