Augmented Triad (+) | A triad featuring a +5 divided into two M3s.
Bass Position | An arrangement of the notes of a triad, identified by the chord member that is in the lowest sounding voice.
Bass-Position Symbols | Not to be confused with figured bass symbols, these symbols are usually used with a roman numeral as part of a harmonic analysis to indicate what inversion a chord is in.
Diminished Seventh Chord (o7) | Diminished triad with a o7 above the root.
Diminished Triad (o) | A triad with a o5 divided into two m3s.
Doubled | A note that is duplicated in another octave.
Figured Bass (Thoroughbass) | A method of abbreviated notation used in the Baroque era. Consists of a bass line and some symbols indicating the chord to be played above each bass note.
First Inversion | A chord with the 3rd as the lowest tone.
Half-Diminished Seventh Chord (Ø7) | Diminished triad with a m7 above the root.
Inversion | The transfer of the lowest note of a root-position chord to any higher octave.
Inversion Symbols | Numbers used to indicate the bass positions of chords.
Lead Sheet Symbols | Used in jazz and most popular music styles to indicate chords to be played under a given melody.
Major-Minor Seventh Chord (Mm7) | Major triad with a m7 above the root.
Major Seventh Chord (M7) | Major triad with a M7 above the root.
Major Triad (M) | A triad featuring a P5 divided into a M3 (bottom) and m3 (top).
Minor Seventh Chord (m7) | Minor triad with a m7 above the root.
Minor Triad (m) | A triad featuring a P5 divided into a m3 (bottom) and M3 (top).
Pitch Class | Term used to group together all pitches that have an identical sound or that are identical except for the octave or octaves that separate them.
Realization | Originally used in performances during the Baroque period, this term refers to the practice of improvising chords based on a given figured bass part.
Root Position | A chord with the root as the lowest tone.
Second Inversion | A chord with the 5th as the lowest tone.
Seventh Chords | Triads with another 3rd added above the 5th of the triad. The added note is a 7th above the root.
Tertian | A chord structure built of thirds.
Third Inversion | A seventh chord with the 7th as the lowest tone.
Triad | A three-note chord consisting of a 5th divided into two superimposed 3rds. The bottom note of the 5th is the root, the top note is the 5th, and the note between them is the 3rd. There are four possible ways to combine major and minor 3rds to produce a tertian triad.