Close Structure | A chord in a four-part texture spanning less than an octave between soprano and tenor.
Conjunct | Featuring stepwise motion.
Contrary | A type of motion in which two voices move in opposite directions.
Contrary Fifths and Octaves | Occur when two voices forming a perfect 5th or 8ve move in contrary motion into another perfect 5th or 8ve respectively.
Counterpoint | The combining of relatively independent musical lines.
Direct (Hidden) Fifths and Octaves | Occur when the outer parts move in the same direction into a 5th or 8ve, with a leap in the soprano part. (The bass may move by leap or step.)
Focal Point | The highest note of a melody.
Full Score | A score in which all or most of the parts are notated on their own individual staves.
Harmonic Progression | In tonal music, goal-directed motion from one chord to the next.
Musical Score | A notational tool used by a composer, conductor, or analyst that shows all the parts of an ensemble arranged one above the other.
Objectionable Parallels | Occur when two parts that are separated by a perfect 5th or 8ve, or by their octave equivalents, move to new pitch classes that are separated by the same interval.
Oblique | A type of two-voice motion in which only one voice moves.
Open Structure | A chord in a four-part texture spanning an octave or more between soprano and tenor.
Parallel | A type of motion in which two voices move in the same direction by the same interval.
Reduced Score | A score notated at concert pitch, on as few staves as possible.
Similar | A type of motion in which two voices move in the same direction but by different intervals.
Static | A type of two-voice motion in which neither voice moves.
Unequal Fifths | Occur when a perfect 5th is followed by a o5, or vice versa, in the same two voices. Unequal fifths are considered acceptable unless they involve a o5-P5 between the bass and another voice.
Voice Leading (Part Writing) | The ways in which chords are produced and connected by the motions of individual musical lines.
Voicing | The distribution or spacing of the notes in a chord.