Bass Arpeggiation | A motion of the bass voice in which different pitches belonging to the underlying chord of a given passage are played in succession.
Cadential Six-Four | A tonic six-four that delays the arrival of the root position V chord that follows it. Though the tonic six-four is technically a I chord, it is better to think of it as grouped with the V chord that follows it, as both chords have a dominant function in this context.
Passing Six-Four Chord | A six-four chord that harmonizes the middle note of a threenote scalar figure (either ascending or descending) in the bass.
Pedal Six-Four Chord | A six-four chord that elaborates the root position chord that precedes (and usually follows) it. It is created when the bass note of the root position chord retains the same note while the 3rd and 5th of the triad move up by step (and, if returning to the same root position chord, back down again).