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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following components of the value chain is designed to provide information to potential customers and make products and services accessible to customers?
A)Research and development (R&D) and design activities
B)Suppliers and production-related activities
C)Marketing and distribution activities
D)Customer service activities
Which of the following is a non-value-added activity?
A)Clear and truthful advertising
B)Designs that meet engineering specifications but have limited customer input
C)Competent and timely after-sales customer help
D)Use of suppliers that provide high-quality inputs
Which of the following is a basic procedure related to activity-based costing (ABC)?
A)Identifying activities
B)Creating an associated activity cost pool
C)Identifying an activity measure
D)All of the above
At which stage of a product’s life cycle is target cost determined?
A)Planning and marketing analysis
B)Product development
C)Production design
D)Concept design
The four components of target costing are which of the following?
A)Planning and market analysis, Concept development, Production design and value engineering, and Production and continuous improvement.
B)Planning and market analysis, Concept development, Marketing and distribution, and Customer service activities.
C)Research and development, Suppliers and production-related activities, Marketing and distribution, and Customer service.
D)Planning and market analysis, Suppliers and production-related activities, Production design and value engineering, and Continuous improvement.
Which of the following is a philosophy of JIT?
A)Eliminating non-value-added activities and increasing value-added activities
B)Eliminating non-value-added activities and decreasing value-added activities
C)Eliminating non-value-added activities and increasing product quality
D)Accomplishing production in the quickest time possible
Which is essential to a successful just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing system?
A)Short-term relationships with quality vendors
B)Extremely specialized employees
C)Efficient plant layout
D)Unreliable equipment
Consider the following:

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What is the manufacturing efficiency ratio?
A)Less than 30 percent
B)Greater than 60 percent
C)36.4 percent
D)45.5 percent
Costs that are included as the cost of resources consumed in activities that prevent defects from occurring are called which type of quality costs?
A)Prevention costs
B)Appraisal costs
C)Internal failure costs
D)External failure costs
Which of the following are techniques commonly used by organizations to manage costs over their value chain?
A)Activity-based management
B)The target costing process
C)Just-in-time procedures
D)All of the above

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