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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The accounting cycle consists of which of the following number of specific steps?
The collection of all of the accounts is kept together in the:
A)journal, only.
B)ledger, only.
C)trial balance, only.
D)both the journal and the ledger.
Which of the following is not true about the normal balance of the accounts or account categories shown below?
A)Assets normally have a debit balance.
B)Liabilities normally have a credit balance.
C)Owners’ equity accounts normally have a credit balance.
D)Accounts receivable normally has a credit balance.
Consider the following:

<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/007802577x/1036574/CH03_Q4.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (40.0K)</a>

Which line of the schedule correctly reflects the Debit-Credit rules?
A)Line A
B)Line B
C)Line C
D)Line D
Recording a $100,000 investment by owners on January 1 for capital stock of the company will result in which of the following?
A)Increase an asset and decrease owner’s equity
B)Increase an asset and increase a liability
C)Increase an asset and increase owners’ equity
D)Increase an asset and decrease a liability
Revenue can be described as which of the following?
A)Net income for the accounting period
B)Gross increase in owners’ equity resulting from operation of the business
C)Sales of services less the expenses related to the sales
D)All of the above
An advertising program was paid in advance on March 1 for delivery through newspaper advertisements beginning on April 1 and ending on April 15. The advertising program cost $5,000. When should the expense of the advertising program be recognized?
A)March 1
B)April 1
C)May 1
D)April 15
Consider the following:

<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/007802577x/1036574/CH03_Q8.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (18.0K)</a>

Which of the lines in the schedule are correct?
A)Line A, only
B)Line B, only
C)Lines B and C, only
D)All of the lines are correct.
The debit balance of the trial balance is $456,000 and the credit balance of the trial balance is $465,000. This indicates which of the following?
A)An account was not posted
B)An account was posted twice
C)An account was posted for an incorrect amount
D)Any of the above might have occurred
If, in fulfilling your duties as a bookkeeper or accountant, you are requested by a superior to record a nonexistent transaction that will reflect favorably on the financial position of the company, you should do which of the following?
A)Ask for a raise in exchange for the risk involved in the fraud being disclosed.
B)Not record the transaction, and report the request to a higher supervisor.
C)Record the transaction, adding a note about the circumstances.
D)Record the transaction as part of the normal journalizing routine.

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