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Social Policy
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How Americans feel about Global Immigration

Worldwide immigration is at an all-time high. Each year about 2.3 percent of the world’s population moves from one country to another. A million of them enter the United States legally, to join the 12 percent of the population who are foreign born. To see how Americans feel about global immigration, visit Public Agenda Online ( and select Immigration under Issue Guides. Link to Overview.

How have Americans always felt about immigration?
What do opinion polls tell us about the public’s view of immigration?

Click your Back Button and scroll down to The Public View. Click on Red Flags and select "More than half of Americans says immigrants who are caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally……" Answer the following question:

Why do you think that a majority of those polled responded that the illegal immigrants should be immediately sent back to their home county?
How would you have answered this question? Why?

Click your Back button and link to People’s Chief Concerns. Scroll down to "A majority of Americans say immigration is a good thing for the U.S."

Why do you think most Americans believe immigration is a good thing for this country today?

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