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Internet Connection
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Go to the Center for the Study of Social Policy's web initiative: This Web site is meant to be a ready-reference for legislators in order to educate themselves on families, children, and social welfare.
  1. Click on the "Child + Family Topics" link at the top of the page. Then select "Expand Economic Opportunity and Reduce Child Poverty." What strategies does the Center propose for lawmakers to accomplish these goals? Also, check your state's level of child poverty.
  2. Click on the "What Works" link at the top of the page. Then scroll down to "Building Strong and Stable Families." What areas does the Center focus on in order to build strong foundations?
  3. Click on the "Tools" link at the top of the page. Under "Strategy Tools" choose the Budget Calculator to understand what a family needs in regard to a budget in today's economy.
  4. Click on the "Tools" link at the top of the page. Under "Strategy Tools" choose the Family Resource Simulator to better understand the effect "work supports" have on helping families.
  5. With information available such as this, why do you think more elected officials do not support funding or strategies to provide this type of support for families? What social forces act upon these officials which impede their ability to help all families?
U.S. families have undergone rapid change over the past few decades. To read about the latest trends, go to the Census Bureau's Web site ( Under "Subjects A to Z," click on "F" and then "Families/Households and Families Data."
  1. Click on "Press Release/Product Announcement" under "2002 March CPS." How many children live with their parents according to the Census Bureau?
  2. About how many children live with a single father?
  3. About how many children live with "stay-at-home" moms? With "stay-at-home" dads? In what ways do you think these trends might change?
  4. Click your Back button until you return to the "Subjects Index." Select "G" and then click on the "Grandparents and Grandchildren Data" link. Select "Press Release/Product Announcement" under "1997 March CPS." About what percent of all children in the United States lived in a home with a grandparent in 1997?
  5. What percent of families have both a grandmother and a grandfather living in the home? What percent of these grandparents are employed?

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