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Internet Connection
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Proponents of educational programs in prisons argue that the social structure of a classroom environment can be used to rehabilitate people who have been incarcerated. Visit the Web site of the Center for the Study of Correctional Education (
  1. Click on "Activities" and then on "Academy." What might be some of the reasons that correctional educators need a different kind of training program than that used by other kinds of educators?
  2. In what ways, if at all, are the special issues you would anticipate related to the structural environment of a correctional facility?
  3. This page states that educators at correctional institutions "play a vital role in the lives of their individual students." In your view, does the structure of a correctional institution make the role of the teacher more central than would be the case in an ordinary public school? Why or why not?
  4. Click on the link to "Research" and then "Articles"; skim the article entitled "The History of Correctional Education." Whether or not correctional education should be provided is controversial, especially where adult offenders are concerned. What is your view? What might be some of the arguments for and against it?
  5. Are you surprised to read that correctional educational practices have had such an influence in public schools?
In this chapter you learn that social networks can be a very empowering component of social structure. The Step Up Women's Network ( is one example of a network designed to benefit women and girls, in part by providing specific opportunities for them to enhance their social networks.

At the top of the page, link to "What We Do." Skim the contents of this page and answer these questions.
  1. Can you think of possible reasons why the founders of this network decided to limit it to women and girls?
  2. Of the four main categories you see (Hands-On Giving with Teen Girls, Professional Mentorship & Development, Support of Women's Health, and Social Networking), how many involve activities that could help women and girls to enhance their social networks?
  3. Based on the information on this page, what are the expected benefits of these networking opportunities? Are the benefits broad or narrow?
Link to "Professional Mentorship & Development."
  1. The activities on this page are limited to people who live in or can travel to New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. What are some possible reasons for this? What does it tell you about the nature of these networking activities?

  2. Link to "Social Networking," and then read about a few of the opportunities listed there by clicking on some of the "Details" buttons.
  3. What are some of the events that women and girls can take advantage of through this page? Describe how one or two might serve to enhance their social networks.

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