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How Americans Feel About Gun Control

The issue of gun control in America has been a hotly debated topic for many years. Though support for gun control far outweighs sentiment against it, the nation's major anti-gun control lobby, The National Rifle Association, has been able to use its impressive power to block or dilute such measures. To find out how Americans feel about gun control, go to Public Agenda Online (, and click on Crime under The Issues. Scroll down to The Public View and select Red Flags. Using the arrow, scroll down the page to "Most Americans say they favor stricter gun control, but most people prefer……." Answer the following questions:

What percent of Americans favor stricter gun control?
Which of the response on this question would you have selected? Why?

Go back to the arrow and scroll down to "Americans are divided on whether strict gun control laws would reduce violent crime….."

Why do believe most of those polled do not believe stricter gun control laws would reduce the amount of violent crime in this county?

Now, click on Red Flags. Use the arrow to scroll to "Two-thirds of Americans favor stricter gun control laws, but just one-third…….." Look at the second pie chart.

What percent of Americans polled opposed a ban on the sale of all handguns, except those that are issued to law enforcement officers?
What are your personal feelings about this issue?

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