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Social Policy
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How Americans Feel About Poverty and Welfare

Rethinking welfare reform is the topic of the Social Policy section of this chapter. A recent survey conducted by Public Agenda Online asked Americans how they felt about the welfare laws, and welfare reform. To see how Americans felt about welfare, go to the Public Agenda Online web site at, and under Issue Guides, click on poverty and welfare. Read the Overview, and answer these questions:

What have been both the positive and negative consequences of Congress' vote to enact sweeping changes in the way the federal government provides public assistance to the poor? What are some of the specific changes?
What do surveys reveal about how the public views welfare reform?

Click the Back Button and scroll down to The Public View. Click on Red Flags. Now scroll down and select "Americans are divided on whether welfare recipients really need the help."

What percent of those polled think the new welfare law is working well?
If you had taken part in this poll, what would your response have been? Why?

Click on your Back button again, and scroll down to The Public View. Click on People's Chief Concerns and then click on "Large majorities - including those in welfare families - believed the old system needed change."

Were you surprised to learn that even welfare families believed the old system needed to be changed? How would you explain this finding?

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