Comprehensive School Health Education: Totally Awesome Strategies for Teaching Health, 8/e
Linda Meeks,
The Ohio State University, Emeritus Philip Heit,
The Ohio State University, Emeritus Randy Page,
Brigham Young University
ISBN: 0078028515 Copyright year: 2013
New to This Edition
Health content is updated in all chapters and includes the latest information on diet and MyPlate, the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and traumatic brain injuries.
Technology and social media are emphasized throughout the book, including the advantages, disadvantages and risks of their use.
New research on food addiction and hyperpalatable foods has been included.
Totally Awesome Teaching Strategies™ are included with black-line Teaching Masters and assessments based on the NHES.
A section on Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Harm to Children has been included.