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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Most of the complexities in multiparty negotiations will increase linearly, if not exponentially, as more parties, constituencies, and audiences are added.
Negotiators who have some way to control the number of parties at the table may begin to strategically manipulate this control to serve their objectives.
A single negotiator is simply one of the parties in a multiparty negotiation and wants to ensure that his or her own issues and interests are clearly incorporated into the final agreement
When a chairperson is also advocating a particular position or preferred outcome, it will be difficult for that individual to act or be seen as "neutral."
Conflict is a natural part of group life that improves members' ability to complete tasks, work together, and sustain these relationships.
Multiparty negotiations differ from two-party deliberations in which of the following ways?
A)Multiparty negotiations have more negotiators at the table.
B)More issues and more information are introduced than when two parties negotiate.
C)The environment changes from a one-on-one dialogue to small group discussion.
D)The process for multiparty negotiators is more complex than two-party ones.
E)All of the above statements about multiparty negotiations are true.
In multiparty negotiations, research shows that parties who approached multiple issues simultaneously:
A)achieved lower quality agreements.
B)increased the likelihood of achieving agreement.
C)exchanged less information.
D)have less insight into the preferences and priorities of the other parties at the table.
E)Research shows that parties who approached multiple issues simultaneously achieved all of the above.
There are five ways in which the complexity increases as three or more parties simultaneously engage in negotiation. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
A)There are simply more parties involved in the negotiation.
B)More parties bring more issues and positions to the table, and thus more perspectives must be presented and discussed.
C)When negotiations become socially more complex, the social norms emerge that affect member participation, which reduces the stronger pressures to conform and suppress disagreement.
D)As the negotiations become procedurally more complex, the parties may have to negotiate a new process that allows them to coordinate their actions more effectively.
E)As the negotiations become more strategically complex, the parties must monitor the moves and actions of several other parties in determining what each will do next.
What are the three key stages and phases that characterize multilateral negotiations?
A)the prenegotiation stage, managing the actual negotiations, and managing the agreement stage.
B)the coalition building stage, the relationship development stage, the networking stage.
C)the coalition building stage, the networking stage, and the actual negotiation stage.
D)the prenegotiation stage, the networking stage, and the managing the agreement stage.
E)None of the above lists the three key stages and phases that characterize multilateral negotiations.
Which of the following questions should not be asked as part of the requirements for building a relationship in the connect model?
A)Can we agree to have a constructive conversation?
B)Can our conversation be productive enough to make a difference?
C)Can we restructure the agreement to include the original issue?
D)Can we all commit to making improvements?
E)Can we understand and appreciate each other's perspective?

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