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Multiple Choice Quiz
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There have been no new research developments in the areas of sex and gender in the last few years that give a clearer picture of the underlying psychology of gender in negotiation.
According to Kolb and Coolidge, men use dialogue to convince the other party that their position is the correct one, and to support various tactics and ploys that are used to win points during the discussion.
Males were more likely to perceive the task characteristics of conflict episodes.
In the Ultimatum Game, a comparison of the minimum acceptable amounts stated by recipients shows that women demanded lower minimum offers than men.
In negotiation, approaching the negotiation with a powerful frame of mind can lead to higher outcomes for the female negotiator who might otherwise be at a disadvantage.
Research on gender characteristics in negotiation
A)has shown strength in the use of sex as the independent variable.
B)has yielded consistent findings to document significant differences between male and female negotiators.
C)has found there are differences in how males and females negotiate, but these differences are difficult to detect.
D)has a generalized influence on the dependent variables in a negotiation.
E)All of the above are results of research on gender characteristics in negotiation.
Which theoretical finding about the role of women in negotiations is not true?
A)Women may place a greater emphasis on interaction goals (the interpersonal aspects of the negotiations).
B)Women's conceptualization of power may make them less comfortable than men with integrative versus distributive negotiation.
C)Women were more likely to perceive conflict episodes in relationship terms.
D)Women in negotiations are often treated worse than men during negotiations.
E)Women using the same negotiation tactic that men used were less successful than men.
Using dialogue to convince the other party that their position is correct and to support various tactics and ploys that are used to win points during the discussion is a characteristic of
A)female negotiators.
B)male negotiators.
C)both male and female negotiators.
D)neither male nor female negotiators.
E)Either male or female negotiators, but not during the same negotiation.
Women tend to fare worse on salary negotiations because:
A)they tend to ask for higher salaries during interviews.
B)they tend to accept what is offered them.
C)they tend to not ask for more.
D)they tend to anticipate a hypothetical salary.
E)they tend to become overly involved with salary negotiations.
There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that women are at a disadvantage in negotiations as compared to male negotiators. The nature of this disadvantage may occur in
A)being treated differently before and during negotiations than men.
B)receiving worse opening offers from the other party.
C)receiving worse outcomes in similar negotiations than males.
D)being penalized when they use the same negotiation tactic that males use successfully.
E)All of the above.

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