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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Third-party intervention is always imposed "from without" by choice, custom, law, or regulation.
Mediation is less intrusive than arbitration in that negotiators surrender control over the processes and the outcomes.
The narcotic effect states that as the frequency of arbitration increases, disenchantment with the adequacy and fairness of the process develops and the parties may resort to other means to resolve their disputes.
The compensation form of mediation strategy involves trying to force the parties to reduce their levels of aspiration in the absence of perceived potential for an integrative resolution.
What makes alternative dispute resolution (ADR) effective is the commitment of the company to make it work as an alternative to litigation with employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, etc.
Third-party intervention should be avoided
A)when passions are high.
B)when the parties are at an impasse on the issues.
C)when progress is occurring or is likely to occur.
D)when the parties are unable to move the process beyond a particular sticking point.
E)All of the above situations.
The dominant purpose of mediation and process consultation is to
A)enhance the parties' dispute resolution skills.
B)encourage the parties to "agree to disagree."
C)encourage the parties to surrender control over the outcome of their dispute to the third party's best judgment.
D)achieve a satisfactory dispute resolution at any cost.
E)None of the above states the dominant purpose of mediation and process consultation.
Arbitration typically involves
A)high levels of negotiator control over outcomes and high levels of negotiator control over procedure.
B)low levels of negotiator control over outcomes and low levels of negotiator control over procedure.
C)low levels of negotiator control over outcomes and high levels of negotiator control over procedure.
D)high levels of negotiator control over outcomes and low levels of negotiator control over procedure.
E)Arbitration typically involves none of the above.
A)have the same power as arbitrators.
B)have no formal power over outcomes.
C)have the authority to resolve the dispute on their own.
D)have the power to impose a solution.
E)have all of the above characteristics.
The compensation form of mediation strategy involves
A)a high concern for parties' aspirations and a high perception of common ground.
B)a high concern for parties' aspirations and a low perception of common ground.
C)a low concern for parties' aspirations and a high perception of common ground.
D)a low concern for parties' aspirations and a low perception of common ground.
E)none of the above.

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