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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In general, two-sided messages are considered to be more effective than one-sided messages.
Children are often considered to be among the worst negotiators because they are so persistent in pursuing what they want.
The norm of reciprocity applies only to favors of the same size.
Sanctions are more appropriately used when changing behavior is more important than maintaining good will.
Negotiators usually spend a great deal of time devising ways to support and document their positions; they devote less time to considering how the information is presented or how to use qualities of the source and receiver to increase the likelihood that persuasion will be successful.
Two-sided messages tend to be most effective
A)with well-educated audiences.
B)when the other party initially disagrees with the position.
C)when the other party will be exposed to people who will argue points of view different from the position advocated.
D)when the issue discussed is already familiar.
E)two-sided messages are effective in all of the above situations.
The recency effect
A)indicates that the important points should be made early.
B)should be used when the topics are familiar, interesting, or controversial to the receiver.
C)states the tendency for the last item presented to be the best remembered.
D)states that the first item in a long list of items is the one most likely to be remembered.
E)None of the above statements about the recency effect is true.
A useful negotiating tactic, therefore, is to identify and discuss experiences, characteristics, and opinions you hold in common with the other party and this tactic is labeled
A)perceived emotion.
B)perceived ingratiation.
C)perceived friendliness.
D)perceived similarity.
E)perceived helpfulness.
In what way can resources be used in negotiation?
A)As a means to get attention and a means to overcome resistance.
B)Through the principles of social proof and the norm of reciprocity.
C)As a BATNA and an exchange tactic.
D)In exchange and pressure tactics.
E)Resources cannot be used in any of the above ways.
Which of the following statements about the three approaches for inoculating against the arguments of other parties is false?
A)The most effective approach is the "double defense" approach.
B)The least effective approach is that of developing arguments only in support of our own position.
C)The best way to inoculate people against attacks on their position is to involve them in developing a defense.
D)Asking people to make public statements supporting their original position decreases their resistance to counterarguments.
E)All of the above statements are true.

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