Paul C. Cozby,
California State University, Fullerton Scott C. Bates,
Utah State University
ISBN: 0078035155 Copyright year: 2012
Feature Summary
Brevity. Cozby's concise and focused presentation provides students with an understanding of the core concepts and tools to read, evaluate, and conduct their own research.
Affordability. Cozby offers an affordable alternative to encyclopedic hardcover Research Methods books.
Clear writing and examples. The tenth edition retains these core strengths of the text. Concepts are described in different contexts, to enhance understanding. The diversity and quality of examples help students conceptualize and critique research and research design effectively.
Strong pedagogy. Learning objectives, questions at the end of each chapter, lists of boldfaced key terms, chapter outlines, a general glossary, appendices, tables, figures, and activity questions help students learn more effectively, actively, and efficiently.
Decision-making emphasis and objective evaluation. Both the advantages and disadvantages of various research methods and design are discussed in detail throughout the text.
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